The Giraffe Brand

Why is your Personal Brand so important


Trust, Quality, Value – that’s why your Personal Brand is so important today!

Whether you are an entrepreneur or employee, and even if you are not in the Media and entertainment industries, Personal branding is something that is a vital tool to a professional.

A personal brand can be defined as simply how others view you. However, delving into personal branding will reveal that it is also about how you use the image people develop of you in their heads. You can have a strong hand in defining the person people think you are – using elements such as a personal story, your uniqueness, your skills, and experience, as well as your authenticity and knowledge. With these elements you have the opportunity to be strategic in establishing and building relationships (business or otherwise), in being an agent of change, and in being a pivotal source of industry knowledge, commerce, and substantial influence.

Those with stellar personal brands around the world, such as Dr. Precious Moloi-Motsepe, Oprah Winfrey, Niyc Pidgeon, John Khani, Gwyneth Paltrow, and even Tom Hanks, have the unifying pillar of developing trust, and offering value and quality in whatever they do.

Whether its Tom Hanks wholesomeness and dignity, which lends credence to any statement he makes or product he chooses to endorse, or Oprah Winfrey’s consistent messaging about the value of life and living and supporting communities, it is clear that a successful Personal Brand needs to strive to be:

  1. Trustworthy enough for people to stop and listen
  2. Deliver quality enough to have others recommend it, and for them to return for more
  3. As well as be of value with information and messaging that makes sense to the audiences’ circumstances.

Working on your Personal Brand is more important than ever, so start today!

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